Virtual Cash Flow

An ongoing discussion about the many different avenues one can take to make money on the internet

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Domain Industry.... Again!

I know, I know... Enough with the power of domain names. I can't help it, I enjoy the feeling I get searching and searching for a good domain and stumble upon one that someone let slip through the cracks and forgot to renew. Heh Heh!

This is the only blog you will need to learn everything you want about domain names if your interested. I put the link in the link box above since I can't figure out the whole trackback thing with blogger, just as well, here it is again.

Matt smith refers to the author of this blog in his over view of domain profiteer.

This is why domain names are always fresh in my mind, I use this software at least three times a week to comb through valuable dropping and dropped domain names. Again domain profiteer explains everything you need to know to make an educated decision concerning the value of a domain name and whether or not you should purchase it. Domainers edge is the actual software tool that I use which you can acquire through domain profiteer. it automates everything for you, gives you the google pr, alexa ranking, link popularity and where the domain links to, an archive history of the domain and much more!


I'll try not to talk about domains for a few weeks, but if I catch a PR 8 name for $60 I promise you'll hear about it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I've been away for a few days, sorry bout that!

Don't kill your career before it even starts.
A criminal by nature can be nothing more than a criminal, they get a certain rush or fulfillment from being who and what they are. Most career criminals have the ability to be very successful business men if they chose to do so,(Ever seen the movie Heat?) by putting an equal amount of energy in to a legitimate business, that they do to avoid getting caught with there actions and or methods.

How is this relevant to Virtual Cash Flow you ask? Black hat and white hat! Which do you wear? Some can not help it! Non conformity is just the way they are. They could be doing perfectly well with legitimate tactics but still have to search for a way to do something that they really should not be doing or is on the fine line, an adrenaline junkie so to speak. You either understand this point or you don't, there's no teaching it.

I was going to purchase "Day Job Killer" due to all the hype that the guru clique has been providing for it, but then I found this.

I've just found a web 2.0 strategy that is taking a lot of my time at the moment, so it will put off my purchase of DJK, along with the influence provided by the above article. I'll more than likely purchase anyway, just to make my own judgement, (I'm that type of person) but the point is


Figure out what's important to you, and dress accordingly. There's nothing wrong with wearing a Black hat!, our economy needs them. If there were no "Black Hats" in the world there would be no cops, lawyers, detectives, etc... How boring would that be!


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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Internet Marketing Guru's

It's a love hate relationship with these guys. They bombard your inbox with the latest must have information everyday.

Shawn Casey,Matt Smith,Mike Filsaime,Keith Wellman,Tellman Knudson,Rich Jerk,Eric Rockefeller,Joe Vitale,Dan Kennedy,Stone Evans,Yanik Silver,Robert Allen,Ken Evoy,Mark Joyner,Justin Blake, Joel Comm.

Just to name a few, yeah a few! Can you believe that.

Anyways, these guys are making a ton of money online, and they really do know what there doing. They get together all the time to come up with the next big thing to sell to each one of their opt in email lists. What I don't think they realize though is that there team work or what they call J.V's/ joint ventures are starting to work against them. So many people are getting the same offer in different context from the same group of people, that it is confusing the S%*& out of them and they just say forget it and unsubscribe from all newsletters entirely. There is a lot more to this and even more that I could tell you, but I would be writing all night.

Now there (paid) helping hand is invaluable to your success. But I would only choose one or two so as not to get confused or distracted from what it is your trying to accomplish. Most will probably benefit from the action of one since they do so many JV's together anyway. Now some don't belong in that list, and there are some that should be listed but are not. I apologize to both parties ahead of time. The term guru was given to these individuals without there consent. There are some who offer nothing but recycled information and some who offer fresh information, and then there are those that completely waste your time by drawing you in with a topic of interest only to find that it was nothing but a pitch to buy and or join there product and or program, and these are the guys that have ruined the landscape. There are a couple who over deliver with there products, they give up a lot of valuable information for peanuts. I will have my personal evaluations soon.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Internet Marketing Gurus have caused unwarranted assumptions!

I happen to find a link to this blog today from one Frank Schilling. Where he implied that I merely wrote to lead some to a newsletter where I was more than likely attempting to build a downline.

I assure all of you, I'm not in to MLM, it's too much work. On this blog you see google adsense, affiliate links and soon text link ads, and that is what virtual cash flow is all about. Creating cash revenues through the internet. I will never place a reference to anything on this blog that I deem invaluable. And I do write with the hope that it will benefit somone along the way, and not just myself. However, he did acknowledge the fact that the domain market is healthy and a profit is attainable with little investment, and actually added a link to the same page with his own clickbank i.d. ;) I'm actually using the program at the moment.

But, I did enjoy his blog, and will be visiting again, as I only read a couple of posts. If you have an interest in the domain industry, you will gain some valuable information by visiting his blog as well.

My subject tomorrow will be "internet marketing gurus" who have caused respectable people such as Mr. Schilling to make those type of instant assumptions. It's too bad what these guys are doing to this field.

I will end with something my Father taught me early in life. This has never left me because it was the first forbidden curse word I said without discipline.

"Never assume anything about what I may think or do. If you make a decision based on an assumption concerning my thoughts or actions you will make an ASS out of U & ME both." ASS-U-ME

Sorry about the lack of valuable content today.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Domain Name Parking

If you are truly interested in generating an online income, then you will become familiar with domain names and domain name investing. Once you learn that, you will then be opened up to domain parking.

Parking a domain name is merely pointing your dns servers to a specified parking service(which there are plenty of!), the parking service you choose will determine what landing page you get and how much actual work you have to put in yourself. Some of the parking services will do all the optimizing for you, while others require that you set up your keywords. Check out for more details.

When you park a page, it is filled with advertising links from the parking service's advertisers, each time someone clicks on these advertisements, you get paid! It's a no brainer.

For a full list of domain parking services visit

What did you do yesterday to get closer to your goal?