Internet Marketing Gurus have caused unwarranted assumptions!
I happen to find a link to this blog today from one Frank Schilling. Where he implied that I merely wrote to lead some to a newsletter where I was more than likely attempting to build a downline.
I assure all of you, I'm not in to MLM, it's too much work. On this blog you see google adsense, affiliate links and soon text link ads, and that is what virtual cash flow is all about. Creating cash revenues through the internet. I will never place a reference to anything on this blog that I deem invaluable. And I do write with the hope that it will benefit somone along the way, and not just myself. However, he did acknowledge the fact that the domain market is healthy and a profit is attainable with little investment, and actually added a link to the same page with his own clickbank i.d. ;) I'm actually using the program at the moment.
But, I did enjoy his blog, and will be visiting again, as I only read a couple of posts. If you have an interest in the domain industry, you will gain some valuable information by visiting his blog as well.
My subject tomorrow will be "internet marketing gurus" who have caused respectable people such as Mr. Schilling to make those type of instant assumptions. It's too bad what these guys are doing to this field.
I will end with something my Father taught me early in life. This has never left me because it was the first forbidden curse word I said without discipline.
"Never assume anything about what I may think or do. If you make a decision based on an assumption concerning my thoughts or actions you will make an ASS out of U & ME both." ASS-U-ME
Sorry about the lack of valuable content today.
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